
Mary J. Bridle First Research Award

The award aims to foster scholarship and first research efforts within the occupational therapy community of students, young practitioners, and early researchers. It supports Pi Theta Epsilon’s mission of promoting research and scholarly activities within the field of occupational therapy. The Mary J. Bridle Award provides an opportunity for Pi Theta Epsilon members to have a research manuscript reviewed by experts in the field and considered for publication in OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. The PTE Executive Committee and National Coordinator will organize a review of all submitted research manuscripts. The review will be conducted by three anonymous reviewers offering expertise in the area of the manuscript subject. The publication is conditional on and will proceed in accordance with the policies of OTJR with the final approval of its editor-in-chief. 

Additionally, the recipient will receive a cash award of $2,500. The Mary J. Bridle Award will be available annually but will be awarded only when manuscripts of sufficient caliber are submitted. 

Mary J. Bridle Award Timeline: 

Letter of Intent Deadline:  Sept. 6, 2024

Application Deadline:  Sept. 20, 2024

Award Recipient(s) Informed: October 25, 2024

Applicant Eligibility

Any occupational therapy student, practitioner, or researcher who is a member in good standing of Pi Theta Epsilon may submit a manuscript provided the following criteria are met:

  1. The applicant is one of the following:
    • currently enrolled as a student in an entry-level or post-professional clinical OT program.
    • currently enrolled as a PhD, ScD, EdD, or post-doctoral student in a rehabilitation-related program.
    • within three years post-graduation from one of the academic programs listed above.
  2. The applicant is an author on the study.
    • Applicants may submit as a team if multiple Pi Theta Epsilon members are co-authors on a manuscript. The monetary award would be provided to the chapter to be distributed at the chapter advisor’s discretion.
Criteria for the Research Manuscript

Research MUST:

  1. Not have been published before nor in the process of publication elsewhere at the time of submission for the Mary J. Bridle Award.
  2. Add to the body of knowledge of occupational therapy.
  3. Clearly demonstrate significance to the field of occupational therapy.
  4. Present logical development of rationale for the study and for the specific research question.
  5. Demonstrate methodologically correct form for the research question(s) asked by the study (not applicable to scholarly studies).
  6. Follow submission guidelines for feature articles in OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. See the OTJR website for current information for authors.
Submission Checklist
Letter of Intent

A brief outline of your project (1-2 sentences) which details the OT topic. The title of your manuscript is acceptable.

Mary J. Bridle Application

Cover letter including:

  • Contact information: name, school, email and snail mail addresses.
  • When the study was initiated, and how it was related to the author's educational program at the time (e.g. "the manuscript was a required clinical research project during fieldwork," "the manuscript was a term paper required for a course in research. " etc).
  • Identify any faculty member in your program who assisted you in any way with the study to ensure no conflict of interest in the review process.
  • Verify (as appropriate) approval granted by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) if relevant to the study. Please note that some studies, such as retrospective studies or systematic reviews, may be acceptable for submission but do not generally require IRB approval. See OTJR's website for current submission guidelines.
  • Indicate whether or not the manuscript has been accepted for publication elsewhere. (Note: manuscripts previously published or in the process of publication are NOT eligible for this award.
  • A short paragraph of no more than 100 words to appear in professional publications citing the applicant's contributions and a brief overview of the subject.
De-identified manuscript.

For blinded review, the manuscript must not identify either the student or the educational program with which s/he is associated. It is the applicant's responsibility to see that all identifying materials have been removed; failure to do so will disqualify the manuscript.

Curriculum vitae

One for each author

Recent photograph

Of applicants suitable for reproduction (hi resolution 300 dpi or greater, .jpg preferred)

Submit application to pte@aotf.org.


The award will be announced at the next AOTA Annual Conference and the recipients recognized at the awards ceremony.


Contact PTE National Office, pte@aotf.org.

Mary J. Bridle First Research Awardees
2024 Cortney Leverentz, OTD, MS, OTR/L, CLT, Creighton University 
Telehealth Lifestyle Pilot Study for Improving Occupational Performance in Older Adults
2023 Sarah Synek, OTD, OTR/L, Creighton University
The Effectiveness of Upper Extremity Orthotic Interventions on Functional Participation for Adults with Stroke:  A Systematic Review
2022 Clarissa R. Stanhope, OTD, OTR/L, Rush University Chicago, Illinois
Accessible Tourism:  Disability Advocacy to Address Tourism for People with Disabilities
2021 Keri Kamphoff
Occupational Therapists Addressing Quality of Life Issues for Clients with Lymphedema
2018 Rylie Power
The Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) on Romantic Relationships
2017 Elizabeth Torrez, OTD, OTR/L
Examining Occupational Therapy Interventions for Children with Handwriting Difficulties
2016 Sara S. Ulfers
Occupational therapists' Perceived Knowledge Needs on Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairments
2014 Beta Delta, Nova Southeastern University
Health Care Profession Students' Knowledge about Occupational Therapy
2007 Laureen R. Franklin, MS, OTR/L
Behavior Problems and Sensory Processing in Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
2005 Kimberly A. Van Den Wymelenberg, MS, OTR/L
Early Intervention Service Eligibility: Implications of Using Different Editions of the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales and Different Types Scores
2002 Dorothy "Dottie" Handley-More
Facilitating Written Work Using Word Processing and Word Prediction
2001 Renee Watling, MS, OTR/L
Current Practice of Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism
2000 Roxann Beauregard, MOT, OTR/L, MS, CCC-SLP
Quality of Reach During a Game and During a Rote Movement in Children with Cerebral Palsy
1999 Beth Hall, MOT, OTR / L Lisa Ross, MOT, OTR/L
An Examination of the Effect of Materials on Occupational Performance Through Kinematics Analysis of Eating
1998 Kyle Russell
Use of Occupational Therapy Aides in Occupational Therapy Practice
1997 Mary Ponte-Allan, MOT
Goal Setting and Functional Outcomes in Rehabilitation
1996 Claire Yanoshak, MS, OTR/L
Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the Life Roles of Women
1995 Sheri Zimmerer-Branum
Occupationally Embedded Exercise
1994 Steven Park, MS, OTR/L
University of the Sciences