
Welcome to Pi Theta Epsilon!

 PTE Sessions at the
AOTF Inspire Conference
 April 3, 2025 – Philadelphia, PA

Session I

2-3:30 pm
PMD Marriott Salon K

A Meeting to Meet Your Needs 

Session II

4-5:30 pm
PMD Marriot Salon F

PTE Annual Business Meeting
Session III

5:30-6:30 pm
 PMD Marriott Salon B

PTE Reception

Emily Kringle, PhD, OTR/L, shares her journey with PTE as a Member and Vice President that led to mentorship opportunities, an AOTF Intervention Grant Recipient, and much more!

Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE) is a specialized honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni. Its mission is to promote research and scholarship among occupational therapy students. PTE recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students enrolled in accredited educational programs across the United States.


The mission of Pi Theta Epsilon is to support the practice of occupational sciences and the practice of authentic occupational therapy by promoting research, leadership, and scholarly activities by its members. In this way, the organization serves not only the profession, but helps to ensure quality healthcare services for the general public.


The purposes of Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE), as stated in the society's bylaws, are to:

  • Recognize and encourage scholastic excellence of occupational therapy students
  • Contribute to the advancement of the field of occupational therapy through scholarly activities, such as research development, continuing education, and information exchange between student and alumni members; and
  • Provide a vehicle for students enrolled in accredited programs in occupational therapy to exchange information and to collaborate regarding scholarly activities.


  • Stimulate, recognize, and reward clinical practice that demonstrates the principles of authentic occupational therapy; and
  • Stimulate, recognize and reward educational systems that support excellence in scholarship, research, and critical thinking (related to authentic OT) in its students and faculty.

For example, we want to support educational systems which prepare students to:

  • Become practitioners of authentic occupational therapy;
  • Endeavor to conduct research;
  • Strive to attain the ideals of PTE; and
  • Stimulate research through a program of awards and mentorship. 


Pi Theta Epsilon began at the University of New Hampshire in the fall of 1958.  In 1987, the American Student Committee of the Occupational Therapy Association (ASCOTA), now the Association of Student Delegates (ASD), surveyed existing chapters about standards to establish and maintain a national honor society. In 1988, the Board of Directors of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation agreed to provide sponsorship and assistance in achieving recognition as a national honor society.  An advisory committee was established and an operating budget was provided to support Pi Theta Epsilon activities through 1994. Work was undertaken to increase the number of chapters, register a logo, and become recognized by the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS). By March 1995, there were 43 operational chapters in the United States. In 2013, with the signing of Articles of Organization, PTE was established as an affiliate of the AOTF as the National Honor Society Affiliates, LLC. There are currently 142 active chapters. 

Pi Theta Epsilon is governed by Bylaws that are upheld by elected officers who constitute the PTE Executive Committee. The annual meeting of chapter delegates is held at the AOTA Annual Conference.

Become a Partner or Sponsor

By partnering with PTE, you'll support the practice of occupational sciences and the practice of authentic occupational therapy by promoting research, leadership, and scholarly activities by its members.

Contact pte@aotf.org for more information.

PTE: Officers

PTE President, Jaimee Hegge, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP

PTE President, Jaimee Hegge, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP
Term: 2023-2025

Dr. Jaimee Hegge, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP, has practiced as an occupational therapist since 2012 and has been a full-time Clinical Assistant Professor at Sacred Heart University since 2018. Dr. Hegge teaches and coordinates the adult and geriatric physical rehabilitation curriculum in the Graduate Occupational Therapy (OT) Program. She received her Master of Science in OT degree from Sacred Heart University in 2012 and her Post-Professional Doctoral degree from St. Catherine University in 2018.  Dr. Hegge’s area of clinical expertise is in adult and geriatric physical rehabilitation, with a focus on ergonomics, and pelvic floor dysfunction.

PTE Executive Team Secretary Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L

PTE Executive Team Secretary Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L
Term: 2024-2026

Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L, CPAM, has been a practicing occupational therapist since 2012. She earned her master's degree from Gannon University in 2012, her post-professional OTD from Chatham University in 2014, and her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Duquesne University in 2021.

Ann has practiced primarily in acute care settings but has also practiced in inpatient rehabilitation, schools, outpatient pediatrics, and early intervention. Ann transitioned to working full-time in academia in 2015 but has maintained clinical practice on a PRN basis.

Ann served as a Doctoral Capstone Coordinator for an entry-level OTD program for six years and is currently the Program Director for Slippery Rock University’s entry-level OTD program in Pennsylvania. Ann’s research is primarily that of the scholarship of teaching and learning, and her research trajectory focus is on student self-efficacy.

As the secretary, Ann hopes to increase communication with current and alumni PTE members and promote the organization's amazing work!

PTE Vice President, Tracey E. Recigno, PhD, OTD, OTR/L

PTE Vice President, Tracey E. Recigno, PhD, OTD, OTR/L
Term: 2023-2025

Tracey Recigno has been an OT for almost 20 years, working in acute care, inpatient rehab, and now in the academic setting. She is the program director for Hawai`i Pacific University’s developing hybrid Doctor of Occupational Therapy program in Honolulu. While the program is located in Oahu, her primary residence is in South New Jersey, outside of Philadelphia. Her occupational roles include wife, mom, friend, daughter, animal lover, traveler, lifelong learner, and OT! Tracey earned her BS/MS in OT from Elizabethtown College in 2005, her OTD from Thomas Jefferson University in 2009, and most recently completed a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of South Dakota in 2022.  Her passion and the focus of her scholarly and service activities is leadership development in occupational therapy students and practitioners. She also has a strong interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning as it relates to critical thinking. As vice president, Tracey hopes to help reimagine the membership eligibility criteria to increase access and best support the mission, purpose, and ideals of Pi Theta Epsilon.


PTE Treasurer Shannon Skowbo, OTS

PTE Treasurer Shannon Skowbo, OTS
Term: 2023-2025

Shannon Skowbo is an occupational therapy student at Northern Arizona University (NAU) pursuing an entry level doctorate. As a student leader, she served as a graduate teaching assistant for NAU’s anatomy program, vice president of the student occupational therapy association, and representative for the college of health and human services. Working routinely on executive board teams, she strengthened her leadership skills and Not only is she committed to fulfilling the position of National Treasurer, she believes her role as a student will provide an inside lens of the current needs, passions, and concerns of occupational therapy students today. Looking forward, her vision for Pi Theta Epsilon is to redefine expectations and involvement of chapter boards, increase membership, host international students webinars, and increase chapter engagement with and expanding grants for research and resources that target underrepresented and minority groups.

Nominate Candidates for PTE Executive Team: President & Treasurer Positions

Nominate Candidates for PTE Executive Team: President & Treasurer Positions

PTE is seeking nominations for the roles of President and Treasurer to help lead the organization into the future. These key positions are vital for PTE’s success and growth. If you’ve been an active member for at least two years and are interested in contributing to PTE’s leadership, submit your nomination by Friday, December 13, 2024. Send completed forms to pte@aotf.org.

President  Nomination Form

Treasurer Nomination Form